
Jan 5, 20182 min

A Healthy You in 2018

We hope you had a restful and refreshing break as we did over here. ⠀

Melody Beattie said, "The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written. We can help write that story by setting goals.” ⠀⠀

So what better way to kick start the year than by discussing health goals?⠀



Many of us at the beginning of the year make plans - financial, spiritual, family, career, educational e.t.c. How many of us actually make plans for our health?

We sampled some of our newsletter subscribers and came up with this short list of #HealthGoals suggestions.⠀


1. Register with a hospital. ⠀

This is the year we must put an end to self medication and 'Dr Google'. If you are unwell, visit a hospital. Every local Government Area has one or more Primary Health Care centre. Find out where the ones in your community are located. Alternatively, register with a reputable private hospital. There are also tested online doctors' services where you can receive free first level consultation.

Don't diagnose or treat yourself.⠀

It may not be malaria or typhoid.⠀⠀



2. Get Health Insurance. The main reason a lot of people do not go to the hospital is that they have to pay for treatment out of pocket. The reality is that hospital bills can run up quickly.⠀

Did you know you can get quality health insurance in Nigeria for as low as N2000 a month? Do your research and sign up with a HMO with a great track record.⠀


3. Eat healthy, exercise and sleep more. ⠀

We pledge this every year, let's do it this time!⠀



4.Finally, go for at least one annual wellness check AND recommended cancer screenings as and when due.⠀⠀⠀

Breast cancer, cervical cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer are some of the common cancers that can be detected early through regular screening. ⠀

We wish you a #Healthy2018

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