World Cancer Day is a global event that takes place every year with the aim of uniting the world’s population in the fight against cancer.
It aims to save millions of preventable cancer deaths each year by raising awareness and educating about the disease. It encourages individuals and Governments across the world to take action.
As part of their continued commitment to society, our partner Total E & P Nigeria Cooperative is sponsoring 100 mammograms for women.
Cancer touches the lives of many Nigerians and together with our partners, we will make a positive change to this.
We thank them for this laudable gesture!
#WorldCancerDay #WorldCancerDayNG #totalepnigeriacooperativesociety #TotalNigeria #CancerNGOLagos #Cancerinnigeria #breastcancerinnigeria #cervicalcancernigeria #CancerNGOinNigeria #WeCanICan #UICC #breastcancerscreeninglagos #breastcancerscreeningnigeria #freebreastcancerscreeningnigeria #freebreastcancerscreeninglagos #breastcancerlagos #breastcancernigeria #freecancerscreeningnigeria #freecancerscreeninglagos #FreeBreastScreening #FreeCervicalScreening #BreastCancerawareness #CervicalCancerawareness #Nigerianwomen #cancerscreeningcentersinlagos #Womenshealth #breastcancerngoinlagos #breastcancerngolagos #breastcancerngoinnigeria #breastcancerngonigeria #cervicalcancerngonigeria #cervicalcancerngolagos