May 14th - 20th 2017 was Women's Health Week.
The goal of this annual event is to empower women to make their health a priority. The week also serves as a time to encourage women to take steps to improve their health.
We collaborated with our charity partner Hubmart to commemorate this year's Women's Health Week by having an in-store awareness campaign on breast and cervical cancer.
The event took place on Tuesday, May 16th 2017.
We gave out free cervical screening vouchers to female shoppers.
Over 2000 people were educated on breast and cervical cancer via our education brochures.
We also launched our Well Woman Campaign.
The aim of the Well Woman campaign is to ensure that women in Nigeria take steps to stay healthy for themselves and their loved ones.
To find out about how you can benefit from the Well Woman screening, kindly email us at talk@canceraware.org.ng or call 08188046560.
Here are some of the photos from the event.

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