A Memorable 2017.
Our 2017 Memories in Pictures
Here is a recap of some of CancerAware’s activities this year.
Launch of our #WhatIsHPV cervical cancer campaign
World Cancer Day 2017 free community health screening
Walk for Cancer Prevention in partnership with Oceanic Health
International Women’s Day outreach
Women’s Health Week outreach in partnership with Hubmart.
Launch of the Well Woman screening service in collaboration with partner diagnostic centres
Screening Partner, PRISCA 2017 Women’s Conference
Community health screening outreach
Launch of the CancerAware online merchandise store. (canceraware.org.ng/shop)
Launch of the Breast Cancer Early Detection Programme 2.0 in partnership with ACT Foundation and supported by Access Bank.
Screening Partner, Dabira Women’s Conference
Free community health screening outreach
Launch of the #31DaysOfPink Breast Cancer campaign
2017 Recipient of the Total E & P Nigeria Charity Golf Tournament Award
Love Blu Be Pink activation in partnership with Radisson Blu
Exhibitor and Screening Partner at Exxon Mobil Breast Cancer Awareness Week
Exhibitor at the 2017 Cancer Education Advocacy Foundation of Nigeria Summit, Abuja
A Day of Pink in-store activation in partnership with GAME
Recipient of Recognition award from the Breast Clinic, LUTH
Free community health screening outreach
Health talk and free screening at the AIM Group (Cool FM, Nigeria Info, Wazobia FM) Health Week.
Representation at the AORTIC 11th International Conference on Cancer in Africa, Kigali, Rwanda
Screening Partner at the Flourish Africa Women’s Conference
#EveryMonthIsPink campaign
#GivingTuesday2017 fundraising drive
Screening partner at the Rose of Sharon Christmas outreach for widows and orphans organised by Mrs Folorunsho Alakija
Donation of chemotherapy medication to the Breast Clinic, LUTH
Free community health screening outreach
Support of indigent women facing breast and cervical cancer (all year round)
Free breast and cervical cancer screening with partner diagnostic centres (all year round)
Radio, TV, print and online media features.
Thank you for making our year an impactful and memorable one!

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