We are celebrating this year's International Volunteers Day by appreciating the selfless individuals who over the years have made up our team of volunteers at CancerAware. Our volunteers prove that the only right way to live, is to constantly sacrifice and give. They never want anything in return, but are always ready to do great things. Today, we appreciate them for their devotion, selflessness and commitment to our cause. Thank you for making the world a better place.
Meet some of our volunteers.


Bunmi, Taibat, Bimbola and Queen


The Amber Circle Team

The Ramoth Hospitality Team

Team Ramoth

Tobi and Bunmi

Queen, Bimbola and Abby

Our volunteer medics! Drs Tunmise, Olukiran, Margaret and Ofe

Our volunteers are happy people

They are dedicated

They serve with a smile!

They are conscientious

Our volunteers are cool

They go the extra mile

If you would like to volunteer with us, sign up at canceraware.org.ng/volunteer
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